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Authentication with Bigsby revolves around the concept of authenticators and AuthSchemas.


An authenticator is an asynchronous method provided to Bigsby that's used to determine if a request is authenticated and/or authorised to perform the requested action.

async function apiKeyAuthenticator(ctx: RequestContext): Promise<void> {
const apiKey = ctx.event.headers["X-Api-Key"];

if (!apiKey) {
// Results in 401
throw new UnauthorizedError();
} else if (!isValidApiKey(apiKey)) {
// Results in 403
throw new ForbiddenError();
} else if (!isUserEnabled(apiKey)) {
// 401 by default
// Catch me in onAuthFail to return custom response
throw new CustomError();
} else {
// For use later in lifecycle
ctx.state.user = getUserInfo(apiKey);

Authorizing a request

If an authenticator function resolves, it's determined that the request is authorized and that the caller has sufficient privileges to perform the action.

Denying a request

If an authenticator function rejects, it's determined that the request is unauthorized or that the caller doesn't have sufficient privileges to perform the action. You can define which scenario is applicable by throwing the corresponding error type:

  • UnauthorizedError will cause Bigsby to return a 401 Unauthorized response.
  • ForbiddenErrror will cause Bigsby to return a 403 Forbidden response.

Custom Errors

Any value can be thrown from an authenticator. By default, Bigsby will return a 401 if the error type isn't recognized. This behaviour can be overridden by listening to the onAuthFail lifecycle hook and returning a custom ApiResponse.

Session Information

Authenticators receive the Bigsby RequestContext, giving full access to the values required to verify a request and the ability to store session metadata, user information, etc. for consumption later in the request's lifecycle.

Auth Scheme

Auth schemes are named authenticators that can be registered at the Bigsby instance level via the registerAuthScheme method. The schemes can be consumed by any handler created with the instance.

Provide the scheme name to the @Authentication decorator to attach it to the handler class.

const bigsby = new Bigsby();

name: "ApiKeyAuth",
authenticator: async ({ event }: RequestContext): Promise<void> => {
if (!event.headers["x-api-key"]) {
throw new UnauthorizedError();

class ArnyQuotesHandler implements ApiHandler {
public async invoke(): Promise<string> {
return getQuote();

export default bigsby.createApiHandler(ArnyQuotesHandler);

Inline Authenticator

An authenticator can be attached directly to a handler class using the @Authentication decorator. Simply pass your authenticator method as an argument without needing to onRegister it as a scheme first.

const bigsby = new Bigsby();

async function apiKeyAuthenticator({ event }: RequestContext): Promise<void> {
if (!event.headers["x-api-key"]) {
throw new UnauthorizedError();

class ArnyQuotesHandler implements ApiHandler {
public async invoke(): Promise<string> {
return getQuote();

export default bigsby.createApiHandler(ArnyQuotesHandler);


  • @Authentication can be shortened to @Auth.