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Leveraging Joi's powerful schema description language, Bigsby makes it easy to define complex request and response schemas. Configuring schemas can be done via decorators or in your handler's config.


Make sure you have Joi installed as a dependency.


Request validation can be applied to the body, headers, queryStrings or pathParameters of an incoming request. The RequestValidationSchema object consists of Joi schemas that can be applied to each aspect of the event payload.

When request validation fails, the onRequestInvalid hook is called and a default 400 Bad Request response is returned by the handler. You can customize this behaviour by returning a different ApiResponse from onRequestInvalid.


const requestSchema: RequestValidationSchema = {
body: Joi.object({
movie: Joi.string().required(),

class ArnyQuotesHandler implements ApiHandler {
public async invoke(@Body() request: GetQuoteRequest): Promise<string> {
return getQuote(;

If the Content-Type of the incoming request is application/json, then body validation is applied to the parsed javascript object, otherwise it will be applied to the raw string value received.


const requestSchema: RequestValidationSchema = {
headers: Joi.object({
"x-api-version": Joi.string().required(),

class ArnyQuotesHandler implements ApiHandler {
public async invoke(): Promise<string> {
return getQuote();

Request header names will always be lowercase.

Path Parameters

const requestSchema: RequestValidationSchema = {
pathParameters: Joi.object({
movieId: Joi.string().uuid().required(),

class ArnyQuotesHandler implements ApiHandler {
public async invoke(@Path movieId: string): Promise<string> {
return getQuote(movieId);

Query Strings

const requestSchema: RequestValidationSchema = {
queryStringParameters: Joi.object({
movieId: Joi.string().uuid().required(),

class ArnyQuotesHandler implements ApiHandler {
public async invoke(@Query movieId: string): Promise<string> {
return getQuote(movieId);


Response validation is applied to the body of a handler's ApiResponse. It's possible to define a different response schema for each HTTP status code that a handler can return.

When response validation fails, the onResponseInvalid hook is called and a default 500 Internal Error response is returned by the handler. You can customize this behaviour by returning a different ApiResponse from onResponseInvalid.

const okResponseSchema = Joi.string().required();
const notFoundResponseSchema = Joi.string().valid("NOT_FOUND").required();

class ArnyQuotesHandler implements ApiHandler {
@ResponseSchema(200, okResponseSchema)
@ResponseSchema(404, notFoundResponseSchema)
public async invoke(@Path movie: string): Promise<ApiResponse> {
const quote = getQuote(movie);

if (quote) {
return new ResponseBuilder(quote).statusCode(200).build();
} else {
return new ResponseBuilder("NOT_FOUND").statusCode(404).build();

The @ResponseSchema decorator can also accept a single ResponseValidationSchemaMap which is particularly helpful for handlers that can respond with several status codes.

const responseSchema = {
200: Joi.string().required(),
404: Joi.string().valid("NOT_FOUND").required(),

class ArnyQuotesHandler implements ApiHandler {
public async invoke(@Path movie: string): Promise<ApiResponse> {
const quote = getQuote(movie);

if (quote) {
return new ResponseBuilder(quote).statusCode(200).build();
} else {
return new ResponseBuilder("NOT_FOUND").statusCode(404).build();


  • @RequestSchema can be shortened to @ReqSchema.
  • @ResponseSchema can be shortened to @ResSchema.